
Some people expressed their general feeling about the survey.


the general attitude

come and do as they want.


the same as

in the past.



One person said that he is afraid of Dr.



The general feeling is that the team acts as though thev ow the island when
thev come for the survey.
At 14:30 with everyone aboard, the Militobi departed Rongelap for Utirik
Unknown to the Committee, voung Lekoj Anjain vas also aboard.
Lekoj, as the

Unknown to

ship left the lagoon and Rongelap fell from sight,

it would be

the last time he would ever see his home.
The “tilitobi weighed anchor at Utirik Island at 10:30 on September 15,
1972, after Captain Poznanski had guided it through the treacherous passage
in the atoll's reef.

A meeting with the magistrate and people of Utirik was

arranged and held at 17:30 hours.
A brief statement was made by the Committee and its consultants were

Dr. Conard then did the same and introduced the members of his

He announced that there would be a daily sick call,

that there would

be a movie, and that there would be a party before they left.

The Committee

then asked if there were anv questions from the people.
One questioner asked Dr. Conard if the people still had radioactivity in
their bodies.

Dr. Conard replied that all people have radioactivity in their

that the people of Utirik received a small amount of radioactivity

from fallout, and that the amount that thev have is below the amount that is

hazardous to man.
A second question was:
people of Rongelap?

How did the people of Utirik compare with the

Dr. Conard exvlained that the Rongelapese receive about


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