experienced in the subject areas of the report, or, who have had available to

them information or facts not available to the Committee.

If there be such

errors, or flaws, however, the Committee does not apologize for them, but rather
asks the reader to accept them as being inherent to the technical nature of the
area and the difficulty in collecting information concerning it.

The Committee

believes that it has done the best possible job with the resources available
to it and considering the formidable constraints of time and space of an event

which occurred over eighteen years ago, but which is still affecting
the daily
lives of the people involved, and may affect those of their descendants.

Some readers may object to the narrative form of the section dealing with
the detonation of "Bravo" and subsequent events that occurred,

The Committee

feels that the approach to this section is justified, however, since in combining
known facts, with recollections of the pepple the re-creation of the event itself
brings into relief certain facts and circumstances and their relationships

which could be missed by the casual reader in looking at charts or tables connected
with the event,

The Committee also believes that this approach also makes what

could be a dull and uninteresting section in an already cumbersome report on a
highly specialized topic somewhat more interesting for the reader.

For instance,

‘the personification of "Bravo" as a “sleeping giant" whose radioactive cloud behaved
as if influenced by “trickster ghosts" may be considered repugnant or perhaps
improper by some scientists.

Be this as it may, no one can deny=--not even the

most prominent scientists--that the radioactive legacy of such an event has

continued to "live" until this day both in a purely physical and biological sense
and in a psycholocical sense.
In writing this report, the Committee has attempted to popularize and simplify

the subject of radiation and its effects.
The very subject of radiation is a very complex and large one, a fact which

is indicated by the remark of one scientist in talking about radioactive


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