As mentioned in the letter of transmittal, had the Committee covered all
the aspects of its assigned subject, this report would have been considerably
lenger than it is at present.

Thousands of books and other materials dealing

with radiation have been published.

Thousands of scientists, technicians

and researchers are studying radiation ai:d its effects today.

Among these

people there are, even today, varying oninions as to the benefits and liabilities
of radiation as it is used wy and on man,

Despite all the scientific inquiry

and discussion, the field of radiation and its many aspects is a relatively
new one,

This is especially true in regards to how radiation affects human

beings and will continue to be so since ethics and morality forbid man to
experiment upon his fellow human beings,

Because of these factors, this report

is by no means to be considered either final or comprehensive.
will be a “last word" on the subject.

There never

The Committee does believe, however, that it

is perhaps the most extensive treatment ever given to the subject area, for not
only does it consider strictly technical medical aspects of the problem, but
includes other related topics such as nuclear weapons, experiences in other
countries, the personal feelings of the exposed persons themselves, psychological
and cultural aspects, and the effects and influences of human judgment, time,
circumstance and, if you will, fate.

The Committee believes that such a

holistic approach--as opposed to an atomistic approach--is the correct one to

follow concerning this topic,

It is an approach simila~ to the concept in

medicine of treating the whole man, rather than just tceating an illness or
disease as a single, isolated event unconnected with the complex interrelationships
of the total functioning organism,
As mentioned, the Report is not as complete as it could be,

By the same

token, it is not perfect; there may be errors, flaws, or faulty assumptions
contained in it,

If there are, they will be noted by those persons who are more


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