

Such treatment and inspection,


transportation as required to U.S. medical facilities,
should remain available to all affected persons,

without time limitation.


Similar benefits would

apply to persons whose need therefor can be traced to

U.S. nuclear activities but whose needs were not known
prior to termination of the trusteeship.

Restricting Marshallese access to contaminated

areas and providing for continuing United States measurement of land contamination.

The agreement should include

the following features:

In keeping with its full responsibility

for internal affairs,


future Marshallese Govern-

ment would assume full responsibility for enforcing
land-use restrictions which emerged from the United
States surveys.

The United States would provide

necessary technical assistance and cooperation,


would be held harmless from claims for damages
resulting from violations.

Provision should be made for periodic right

of access to Marshallese land and persons by USG for
the purpose of conducting studies to determine levels
of radiation or

states of health.

Select target paragraph3