
to consideration for compensation under heading

personal injury,


would be persons whose radiation-

related injuries were unknown at the time of trusteeship
termination or whose radiation-related injuries were
aggravated in an unforeseen manner thereafter.


only claims entitled to consideration for post~trusteeship compensation under heading


property damage,

would be for damage unknown at the time of trusteeship

It continues to be to our advantage that

the subject of nuclear claims enter the negotiating arena
as a Marshallese rather than a United States initiative.

Form of eventual agreement.

The Compact of

Free Association should contain a brief provision releasing
the USG of claims in the




categories above--

and perhaps non-nuclear claims as well--subject to
negotiation of a separate and Subsidiary agreement with
respect to claims issues.

‘Such a separate agreement

should be negotiated as soon as possible.
could be executed,

if necessary,



after the Compact has

been initialled so long as such execution takes place
before or simultaneous with the execution of the Compact.

Medical treatment.

The programs of treatment

and inspection established in P.L.

95-134 for Rongelap

and Utirik should be extended to all radiation-affected

MD 50095)

Select target paragraph3