TITLE BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE Marshall Islands Radiological HA-02-01-02 Safetv Program CONTRACTOR NAME CODE Associoted Universities, Inc. 20f. BNL WP NUMBER DATE PREPARED 03/31/80 TASK NO. REV. NO. Q Technical Progress cont, Data collection on types and amounts of food consumed by the Marshallese was done by actually living with them. Simultaneous observations on their living pat~ terns were also made. These studies were part of the Northern Marshallese Islands Radiological Survey (13-Atoll Survey). Expected Progress in BY-2 (FY 1980). Baseline radionuclide body burdens will be evaluated for the returning Enewetak population. Evaluation of the post residence decline of body burdens among former Bikini residents will continue. The data base on dietary habits and living patterns will be updated for all relevant atolls and/or islands. Expected Progress in BY-1 (FY 1981). Personnel monitoring and related demographic assessment activities will continue at Rongelap, Utirik, Enewetak and other areas of interest to DOE. Monitoring of former Bikini residents will be phased out unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Expected Progress in BY (FY 1982), Personnel monitoring and related demographic assessment activities will continue in all areas of interest in the Marshall Islands. 20g. Future Accomplishments. A running account will be maintained of individual and population dosimetric information for the residents of islands affected by the Pacific Testing Programs. These data will provide an empirical basis for improving the accuracy and: value of long-range predictive dose assessments from man-made radionuclides in the environ- ment. 2Oh. Relationship to Other Projects. This program operates and interacts directly with the Brookhaven Medical Proatam in the Marshail Islands, and provides contempory daca to be factored into the Retrospective Dose Reassessments for Rongelap and Utirik (and other islands affected by weapons test fallout). It also provides empirical bases for upgrading long range predictive dose modelling activites such as those of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Coordination of this program with related programs within DOE and its contractors will be accomplished through timely exchange of program findings and related information, . 20i. Environmental Assessment. Work done under this task proposal has either no environmental impact or has impacts similar to those described in and covered by BNL's Environmental Impact Statement (ERDA 1540). SUEDE