TITLE BUOGET AND REPORTING CODE Marshall Islands Radiological DATE PREPARED HA-02-01-02 03/31/80 Safetv Program CONTRACTOR NAME CODE Associated Universities, Inc. 20e. BNL WP NUMBER TASK NO. REV. NO. Q Approach cont. Dietary and living pattern information will be derived from direct observations of island residents, and from standardized interviews with island residents during programmatic field trips. tlanagement Controls Fiscal control will be exercised in the form of monthly comparisons, over the task term, of actual costs incurred against corresponding line items of the budget. Technical results shall be monitored through a periodic review, by the Contractor Task Manager, of accomplishments by measuring actual performance as compared to expected progress. All work shall be conducted in conformance with generally accepted standards for R&D and other investigative or analytic procedures, as observed by universities and large independent research facilities including Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). 20f£. Technical Progress. Technical Progress in BY-3 (FY 1979). External and internal dose equivalents received during residency on Bikini island and internal dose equivalents to be received post residency were evaluated for former Bikini residents. Bioassay results from samples collected in January and May 1979 and prior bioassay results were used to construct individual 9057-9 Y body burden histories. Whole body counting results during 1979 and results obtained in prior years were used to establish I3¥eg - 137mpa ine dividual body burden histories. Daily activity ingestion rates were calculated from the body burden data. Uptake regimes which best fit the activity ingestion rate data were; constant continuous uptake for 90sy and stepwise increasing up- take for !3/Cs. Dosimetric models which described the uptake scenario were derived and individual dosimetric results for persons residing on Bikini Island sometime during the years 1969 and 1978 were determined. In addition, doses due to residual radioactivity in persons after departure from Bikini were calculated. Individual body burdens, urine activity concentrations and dose equivalents have been recorded or stored in a computer data base. Publications and reports describing dosimetric methods and results, whole body counting results and biological removal rate constants for Bikinians have been written. Routine personnel monitoring was provided for Rongelap and Utirik residents. A statistical analysis was performed to determine the minimum sample size needed to establish the mean 13/cs body burden at the 90% confidence level. Male and female adult, adolescent and child categories were counted at each atoll and many persons who participated in prior whole body counting visits were recounted. In See, addition, urine bioassay samples were collected from adult and adolescent population groups. Body burden histories and dosimetric results have been completed for half the resident populations for years following rehabitation of the atolls. fFAA- O2L-7! — .OO