

a. Warhead for the submerged submarine launched
missile, SUBNHOC.
b. New Class A weapon.

d. PROJECT D-ADM - Nuclear warhead for a demolition
e. Warhead for Nike-Zeus - Army anti-missile system.

f. An ICBM warhead weighing 2600 pounds.
g. Warhead in the megaton range for the Air Force
surface-to-air missile, BOMARC.
h. Warhead for Sergeant - Army surface-vo-surface missile.
11. Tne DOD has cancelled its requests for feasibility
studies on the warhead of minimal plutonium hezard for application
in air defense rockets,

and on the all-oralloy,


warhead for application to the Air-to-air Rocet ME-1 (Genie).

At the request of the Department of Defense, the

development program for application of the XW-42 warhead to
the Navy Sperrow-X air-to-air missile has been cancelled.
aN ' ae

Sn. |

413. In the program of investigation inte the nenmilitary
uses of nuclear explosive devices,

Project PLOWSHARE, excavatior

is currently being given primary emphasis.

Preliminary studies

indicate that other possible nonmilitary uses may be in mining,
increasing oil flow in wells,

extraction of power,

and production

of isotopes.
14, Test Operation PLUMEEOB was successfully concluded on
October 12.


The post-shot investigation of the effects of the



Part III

Select target paragraph3