On the near test islands containing scrap with induced radioactivity
there are also quantities of scrap showing no elevated radiation levels.
Such materials are’ intermixed and radiation measurements on these islands
will reflect the presence of an overall elevated gamma, level from radionuclides in the soil.

Therefore, it is suggested that all metal debris

should be removed from these near test islands while the job of cleanup
of contaminated scpap is being done.

This will avoid much decision-making

on whether this or that item requires disposal.

Consideration of disposi-

tion of undamaged or lightly damaged bunkers in item 3 of Attachment 6
takes into account their radiological status and possible utility.


is the additional need to obtain Trust Territory concurrence that reflects
desires of the natives.
Finally, it is realized that the distribution of scrap found on these
near tests islands extends into the shallow water shore areas and on into
the deeper parts of the lagoon and ocean.

It is suggested that location

and removal of thig. underwater metal scrap is generally not feasible and
that any problem with such material is best handled by followup surveys

as suggested in item 5 of Attachment 6.

It is not intended that item 5

will apply to the cleanup phase of recovery and rehabilitation of Bikini

Rather, this is in the nature of a safeguard to be conducted as

a part of followup studies.

Select target paragraph3