l. Disposal of metal scrap containing radioactivity in water having a depth of about 200 feet or greater will make these materials un-= available to the native population. This depth is approximately equivalent to the deepest parts of the lagoon. A disposal site for each of the several island areas containing the scrap may be chosen, inside the reef, marked for easy location, and a record of position made and included in final reports. Markers should be remoyed at the end of cleanup operations. Considering thé possibility of future salvage of ships, metal scrap containing induced radioactivity is not to be placed within the prohibited area located in the east end of the lagoon (refer to H. 0. 6032 published.by U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office). Exeept when coklectea by those authorized to do so, no samples of / nd metals containing induced radioactivity are to be retained or trans- ported from Bikini Atoll. Scrap containing no induced radioactivity such as towers and other materials from Bikini and Eneu requires no special precautions for disposal. It has been suggested that dumping in some location within the lagoon may provide additional cover and thereby improve fishing. Obviously, these materials should not be dumped into any channel through the reef or in any other place where they would be a hazard for navigation. 367-723 57 fo> ol