DRAFT ye’ Frank Cluff, Safety Advisory Group, NV ke yi DISPOSAL OF SCRAP MATERIAL AT BIKINI ATOLL | In response to your request for consideration of proper disposal of contaminated scrap material for the Bikini cleanup operation, the Yollowing is provided: | Background - Past surveys and particularly the 1967 survey identified a number of locations among the islands of Bikini Atoll having quantities olf scrap material containing induced rudioactivity. Such scrap locations are described in the Health and Safety Laboratory report HASL-190 entitled, "External Radiation levels on Bikini Atoll-May, 1967", dated December, 1967. These locations, which are on islands near former testing sites, may be identified us: (a) the Aomen-Iroij complex in the north-central part of the atoll, (b) the islaxd of Nam and the blasted bunker just west of Nam and Bravo Crater in tne northwest part of the atoll, und (¢) an aren generally defined us tac island of Enidrik and the western portion ot the Aerokoj-Eneman complex in the south central « part of the atoll. . Alec, the possibility cannot be ruled out thut there may be some contaminated serap on Bikini Island, us increuscd Jevels of radiation were observed therc on a cable spoo! und only a small fraction of the area was cheekco due to dense vegetntion. Additionully, there Beate) three test facility locations in shullow water on the reef between the Aomen-Troij complex: and Nam which were not monitored during the ‘67 survey snd which should be checked for contaminated serup. e J10&f733 ir . CONFIRMED TO BE UNCLASSIFII) s firs 4.;L AUTHORITY: DOE/sA-20 7)“aTyaa s DATE: 6+}: