
Radioactive Materials Formed In A Nuclear Detonation.

The quantity of radioactive material created as fissicn products in the detcnation of a fission weapon is known to depend upon the

total energy release of the weapon.

Some methods of calculation of

total fission yields utilize the ntmber of fissions per kiloton, which

gives approximately 1.38 x 10°) fissions occurring per KT of fission

yiela/, resulting in 2.76 x 10°? radioactive fission fragments per KT.
This value includes all of the immediate fission products, some of

which decay with very short half-lives, while others my give rise to
decay chains consisting of several isotopes, some of which may have
longer half-lives, resulting in their decay over a period of months or


All emit one or more beta particles and most emit one or more

gamma rays.

There sare approximately 170 isotopes ultimately formed

from a total of 35 elements known to result from the fission process.
Some of these isotopes are formed directly from fission; others form

in part from direct fission and partly from decay chains.

If the same

isotope is formed by the two processes, the total isotope concentration
is the sum of the two.

Two exemples of decay chains which form the same

elements but different isotopes as indicated by their different halflives are:

Germeniun-77 pont Arsenic-77 win Selenium-77 (Stable)

Germaniun-78 ="———» Arsenic-78 Gs

Selenium-78 (Stable)

It is convenient to discuss the quantity of radioactive materials

formed in a nuclear detonation in terms of the value at one hour after
detonation, expressed in curies per KT.

At this H+l hour reference

time, there are approximately 3.0x 108 curies of gamma-active fission

1/ Spence, R. W., Bowman, M.C., Radiochemical Efficiency Results of
SANDSTONE Tests. Scientific Director's Report of Atomic Weapons
Test Annex 1. SECRET Restricted Data.


Select target paragraph3