and to obtain the evaluaticn and recommendations regarding the pending
applications by mail ballot. The statements of final recommendations
submitted by the members were summarized by the ixecutive Secretary

for use by the National Advisory Councils concerned.

The Committee

recommendations, together with justifying statements on all applications
are appended to this report in the form of summary sheets.

4, - Plans for the Spring Meeting.

Based on a mail ballot, the Committee merbers first chose to meet
in Atlantic City on April 12, 1954 preceding the Federation Meeting, and

the Conference was scheduled to be held on April 11, 1954.

Tho dctesof

the Conference and meeting were later changed to May 20 and 21, 195%
to be held in Cleveland, Ohio following the annual meeting of the society
for Radiation Research.

5 = Resignation of Dr. Simeon Cantril.

It is with regret, indeed, that the Division of Research Grants
received Dr. Cantril's resignation from the Comittee on Radiation Studies
because of the pressure of other commitments which he had uncertaken at
that time.



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