

Test Support Unit:




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Assure that trensient traffic and airlift operrtions do not
interfere with or endanger t-st aircra.t operations dering

H~Day Ivent.


Establish required neasures to vrevent noverent of vohic™es
from intorfering with or ondengering air oxrations throushout N-Day.


Provide adequate crash reroval and fire fighting protection
for all air operctions on H~Day.


Place one (1) 4-19 heliconter under the operetionz1 control
of th- SAR Zlenent corswnder end one (1) crash boat under
the opcrationcl control of the £00 fron 27 FebruaryBern
and continuing throuchout the project.

Operations Order 5-54)

(See Annex 7 9 1G 7.4


Assure cdequcte refueling and ficld xczintenance supnort for
all aircraft during the il-Day dvent,


Provide photograyhic coverage during i’-Day onerations for
hista@ical purposes.


In coordin:.tion vith other Test Units, assmre cdecucte trans-

portation schedules from the flisht ‘ine to the dining halls
and billeting creas throughout the N-Day Event.


ALL Units 3


Provide liaison officers to cssist Herdqu-rters TG 7.4 circraft controllers in the 1.00, on the Cormenc Ship cnd

Control Destroyer as required.

TG 7.4 Operetions Order 5-54).

(Seo Annexes $, T and U,


Coordinste with Test Suoport Unit to crrange required ecrly
dining sched les, in-flight lunchcs, transportation, etc.,
for the i-Dey vent.


4dnera to security procedures as outlined in jnnex G,
Security ond Public Information, TG 7.4 Cperations Order


brphisize the Flight Sefcty Progra outlined in Annex i,
Flight Safcty, TG 7.4 Cperations Order 1-53 and other


Be pre red to augnent existing SAR facilities in energencies
during the h-Day Event.


Be prevecred to postnone exceution of the mission for such
periods as are “ede necossery by adverse weather or other

unforeseeable events.
Crdor 554).

(See Annex V, TG 7.4 Oncrctions


Assure proper reporting of ra@iation encountered by miti-


Conduct bricfings cs required,


Inmmeciately ofter circreft land, maintenance personnel will
clear all dicrepencies ~s soon as possible so as to insure
the aircraft isrecdy for enother mission if so Sirected,

engine ndrerceft.

Order 5-54).



(See Annox ¥, TG 7.4 Overations Crdor 5.54),
(See Annox X, TG 7.4 Orcrations

Select target paragraph3