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Committee Representation
Representative(s) of HHSwill serve as non-voting member(s) of the

DOE Advisory Committee which will provide direction, oversight, and
evaluation to the DOE's Office of Environment, Safety and Health.

Additionally, there exist currently DOE-funded host State health

agreements. For these existing and future agreements, HHS
representatives will provide technical and public health assistance to
the host States, including partidpating on the Technical.

Review /Oversight Committees at the requestof the hostStates.
DHHS'role in future analytic epidemiologic studies conducted

through States will be discussed by DOE with HHS prior to negotiations
of their agreement with States.
Establishing the Research Agenda
The HHS Advisory Committee will provide advice and
recommendations to HHS onestablishing the research agenda. All
energy-related analytic epidemiologic health studies proposed by DOE
HHS Advisory Committee will take into consideration information
and proposals provided by DOEandits Advisory Committee as well as
information and proposals from other agencies and organizations.
HHS will then establish the research agenda and develop a research
HHSwill provide DOE the research plan for review and comment.
The HHS research plan will be revised eachfiscal year to incorporate
changes in the research agenda andto reflect changes in available


All DOEinitiated analytic epidemiologic research projects, including
dose reconstruction and exposure assessmentstudies essential for
conducting these epidemiologic studies, would be offered first to HHS —
for consideration. However, DOE may conduct throughalternate

meansan analytic epidemiologic study that it referred to HHS ifthe
HHS Advisory Committee has recommended the study but HHS has
chosen not to includeit in its research agenda. Funding for such will
come from a DOE sourceseparate from that fundinglevel set aside for
HHS-managed studies to be conducted under this MOU.


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and HHSwill be submitted to the HHS Advisory Committee. The

Select target paragraph3