so he hag to hit it right the first time when be docks, and not fool around too

much fin the neighborhood of coral heads.

The other facilities were as before, axcept that the cockroaches have to grow a

little more to reach their previous eminence ({ It is a sight I shall never

forget when the Rongelep kids were chasing our roaches with sticks when weuf

unpacked.) The showers were leaking everywhere but for the shoverheads proper.

Therefor water could be turned on only for an hour in the evening, or they would

lose their supplies in ea few days. Even so, 10 days was the estimated maximum they

could stay away without running dry. The johns were jammed: instead of draining
they regurgitated when we flushed, and you had to enter in rubber boots.
Fortunately the tresholds are high and the sea was calm, so we had none of it
slushing around in the corrider, as I have seen it happen.
One thing had improved. They vere restricting the musber of passengers to

120. When you add the crew the ratio of people to life preservers is now

231 instead of the prvious norm of 311. Also there are 6 life rafts each with a

maximum capacity of 25, so if they all get out there is half a chance of some
relief from the sharks.

Back to the schedule. Wotje was first stop and uneventful. ;I saw


(¥2171) She was examined in 1972, so I just spoke to her. She was in good shape

and had no complaints. We were in Wotje atoll from & heFie t411 Friday night.

Qn one of the islets ve visited


live. (# 21073 2106)

I examined then,
wes in excellent shape,
had, no complaints
but I found a borderline hypertension, and the right lobe nf her thyroid was

slightly enlarged. Exra was also on the trip and helped m,. He found a thyroid

nodule in one of his patients (1-2 cm dias. in lower left, lobe) It felt just
like .

neck before her operation ~ this was in a woman not on our lists.

Saturdsy (their Sunday) at 3 pa wo arrived at Ailuk. There vag a team there trying

to blast a channel ashore (Ailuk has a beach so shalluw they can load copra
only at high tide) but with moderate success. They aude a lot ofbig holes in a row

and killed not a few fish. Now they have to train their boats to

like a salmon.

I saw


(# 2440). She had some complaints. Most remarkeble was

in the tendons of right leg. They were hard like bone. Hes’ BP was 150;/
and she was bleeding from the gums. She had the worst case of periodontal disease

and I recammended she go to Majuro or Ebeye for extraction and fittingof dentures

which she did.



Qo Ailukthe trader ran out of sugar and rice, and hdd no more copra bags

(Wotje had 7 months production of copra to deliver)

neequently trading a


stopped, but they still had their passengers to deliver, s0 the trip must jo\ oD.

After having dragged their feet day after day on Wotje it, was now decided to.
make a fast finish. Some of the passengerea had been on board this ship for neaY-ly
3 weeks since they left Majuro. Consequently we had jus) a few hours on Utdiirik


We arrived at dusk on Monday aight, and left for the sees at midday on Tuesday. \

There we bad to wait t111 9 pa for a proper timing of ‘the arrival at Mejit.


We had good fishing there. Ezra,
another passenger and I took 2 large barrecu
some rainbow runners and 6 yellowfin tunas.: It was the one bright spot on the trip.

) went on the ship and is now at Utirik. She Xe in
good shape, bgt the haf .
she had to stay in was leaking everywhere and she was rather depressed ‘when she.
aaw it. I may be wrong, but I have the notion that she is siter of ‘our landlord .

SUSE feu


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