D.44 CR 6.4 Decay of IC Tray (3 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------- 391 D.46 U 2.7 Decay of IC Tray (3 Minutes), Shot Umbrella -----------------D.47 CL 4.0 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ----------------- 391 391 D.45 U 2.7 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Umbrella -----------------D.48 CL 4.0 Decay of IC Tray (4 Minutes), Shot Umbrella -~--------------- D.49 CL 6.0 Decay of IC Tray (19 Cont), Shot Umbrella- -----------------D.50 DL 6.2 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ----------------- 391 392 392 392 ’ D.51 DL 16.0 Decay of IC Tray (6 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ---------------- 392 D.55 D 22.0 Decay of IC Tray (9 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ----------------- 393 D.57 CR 2.7 Decay of IC Tray (37 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ---------------- 393 D.52 DL 16.0 Decay of IC Tray (8 Cont), Shot Umbrella- -----------------D.53 D 10.4 Decay of IC Tray (20 Cont), Shot Umbrella- -----------------D.54 D 18.2 Decay of IC Tray (7 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ----------------- D.56 DR 12.2 Decay of IC Tray (5 Minutes), Shot Umbrella ---------------D.58 CR 2.7 Decay of IC Tray (40), Shot Umbrella ---------------------D.59 DD-592 (Port) Decay of IC Tray (4 Minutes), Shot Umbrella -----------D.60 DD-592 (Stbd) Decay of IC Tray (4 Minutes), Shot Umbrella -----------D.61 IC Decay Slopes Determined on the Basis of Two Points--------------E.1 Shot Data and Surface Weather at Shot Time, Shots Baker and Wigwam - ---- - E.2 Column and Base Surge Data, Shot Baker ----------+-------+------E.3 Spray Dome and Base Surge Data, Shot Wigwam - -------------------- 392 392 392 393 393 393 393 394 416 416 416 FIGURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Originally intended array of coracles and floating film packs (FFP) -------Coracle ------ ++ ---- ec ce ene rc ee ee cr ee ee eee ener Simplified elevation, cross section, and plan view of coracle -----------NRDL gamma-intensity-time recorder --------+--------+----------+ 1.5 Free-field response expressed as a percentage of gross response (ty = 3 minutes) ----------------s2--- ree ee eee eee 1.6 Free-field response expressed as a percentage of gross response (ty = 10 minutes) ---------------++--+-----+++----1.7 Radiation intensity from a circular upwelling of radioactive water (computed for a standard GITR at its center) ----------+--------- 1.8 Relative intensity from an enveloping base surge (90° cloud model, 1 Mev gamma) ---------+---+<-------2------- 1.9 Relative intensity from an enveloping base surge (90° cloud model, 1.25 Mev gamma) - -----------------------1.10 Relative intensity from an enveloping base surge (80° cloud model, 1.25 Mev gamma) ----------+------+--------1.11 Relative intensity for moving circular patches of radioactive water (circular disk model, 1'/, feet thick, 1.25 Mev gamma)------------- 1.12 Target ship instrument layout aboard DD-474 and DD-593-------------1.13 Target ship instrument layout aboard DD-592 ---------------------1.14 Target ship instrument layout aboard EC-2-----------------------1.15 NRDL instrument platform aboard DD-474 and DD-592---------------1.16 NRDL instrument platform aboard DD-592 -----------------------2.1 Master plot of stations, Shot Wahoo - -------------+---------+-----2.2 Master plot of stations, Shot Umbrella --------------<--+--+------+--2.3 GITR mounting for ships---------------+-+-----+--+-------------2.4 ASEL gamma-intensity-time recorder-------------+---+----+------2.5 Incremental collector - ---------------- 22-2 - cee eee nee e ene 2.6 Various types of floating film packs -----------------+-+-+-----+-+---2.7 Open-close collector -----------------2--------- eee eee eee 11 27 28 28 29 36 36 38 38 40 40 40 44 45 46 47 4? 50 51 56 58 59 61 62