A.3 Af AS A.6 Pertinent Attenuation Coefficients ------------ cree eee eee erent ree Geometric Parameters of Coracle -----------ccess--e--r errr rteBuildup Factors for Water ----+--+---------7 rrr rrr rrr ccc ttre Gamma Intensities of Finite Clouds Expressed as a Percentage of ccc -an Infinite Cloud, 1-Mev Gamma Energy ----------c-cr crc -A.7 Directional Response of Low-Range Std-GITR Detector -------------rce errrrtt +r -------Ig of e Percentag a as A.8 Value of I, Expressed serene Ad Wind Corrections ---------- +reee ee ner errr terse C.1 Reiative Energy Response for End-Window Gamma Counter 2 for a Point Source on Shelf § ------------------ ere errr rece D.1 Meter Survey of Coracle Decks --------------erccrr ttt rr rrr D.2 U 4.5 1C Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo ------------+- ese c rer er errr reeD.3 CL 3.9 1C Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo - -----------------++-- ere ree: D.4 CL 4.6 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo - ---------+- eee cert rete rcee D.5 DL 7.1 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo - --------+----+---- rece rr ctc re D.6 D 8.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo ------------------+2eece errr D.? DR 4.5 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo -----------+-22+-----22- sr ere D.8 DP 14.41C Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo ------------+ ccc r rece reece ne D.9 DR 24.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo ------------+--------+---+--- D.10 D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 D.16 D.17 D.18 D.19 D.20 D.21 D.22 D.23 D.24 D.25 D.26 D.27 D.28 D.29 D.30 D.31 D.32 D.33 D.34 p.35 D.36 D.37 D.38 D.39 D.40 D.41 D.42 D.43 DRR 6.8 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo - -------------------------- DRR 12.8 1C Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo- - ------+-------+-------+---- CR 6.4 IC Tray Counts, Shot Wahoo ---------+-----+------+ 252-2 350 350 350 351 351 352 353 368 381 381 381 382 382 382 382 383 383 383 384 384 U 2.7 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella --------------- eee errr eee 384 U 3.9 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ------------- +--+ -- creer ere ee 385 CL 4.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ----------------+-+--+------ 385 CL 6.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ----------------------+--- 385 DL 6.2 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ----------------+---+------- 386 DL 16.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- -----------------+-+%----- 3396 DL 18.6 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- ---------------------+e7-- 386 D 10.4 1C Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- ---------------------2"--- 386 D 18.2 1C Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- ------------------+-+------ 387 D 22.0 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- ------------+---+++--+-rre ce 387 DR 12.2 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- ------------------------- 387 CR 4.9 IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ------------------+--errre ee 387 CR 6.6 1C Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella ---------------------+--+- 388 DD-592 (Port) IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella --------------------DD-592 (Stbd) IC Tray Counts, Shot Umbrella- --------------------- 388 388 CL 3.9 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------CL 3.9 Decay of IC Tray (3 Minutes), Shot Wahoo - ----------+-------CL 4.6 Decay of IC Tray (3 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------DL 7.1 Decay of IC Tray (4 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------DL 7.1 Decay of IC Tray (9 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------D 8.0 Decay of IC Tray (19 Cont), Shot Wahoo- - -------------------D 23.1 Decay of IC Tray (54), Shot Wahoo -------------+---+------DR 4.5 Decay of IC Tray (9 minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------------DR 4.5 Decay of IC Tray (19 Cont), Shot Wahoo- -------------------- 388 388 389 389 389 389 389 389 390 DRR 6.8 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Wahoo -----------------DRR 6.8 Decay of IC Tray (3 Minutes), Shot Wahoo ------------<------ 390 390 DR 24.0 Decay of IC Tray (52 Minutes), Shot Wahoo- ----------------- DRR 12.8 Decay af IC Tray (44 Minutes), Shot Wahoo- ---------------- CR 4.1 Decay of IC Tray (19), Shot Wahoo ------------+- ++ reer rr CR 5.2 Decay of IC Tray (2 Cont), Shot Wahoo -----------------+---CR 6.4 Decay of IC Tray (2 Minutes), Shot Wahoo -----------+-------- 390 390 390 391 391 10 2