K. E. Fields, General Manager -2- May 29, 1956 Other Business (continued) 2. Hearings on the "Peace Ship" - Mr. Strauss reported on his discussion with the President about these hearings and explained the position AEC representa- tives should teke in testifying on the “peace ship". Rickover be informed of the proposed position. He requested that Admiral (Devis) Mr. Strauss said he would speak to Senator Magnuson on Jume 4 ebout the letter restricting /5C testimony before his Committee. (SfcRETARIAT) 3. Missions to Latin America - Mr. Strauss said the President had requested,for reference during his Penama visit ) preparation of a brief regarding AEC missions to Letin ‘merice to discuss the developnent of atomic power. hk, (Hail) Public Announcement of Tests at REDWING - Mr. Strauss will speak to fhe secretary of Defense. 5. Analysis of Kurchatov Statement re: Mr. Reicherdt's anelysis wes discussed. Soviet Nuclear Power Program. 6. Additionel Shot ot REDWING - You discussed the feasibility study. 7. Presidentiel Citaticn for Livermore - We will_remind you in September. : a 4 wt & ~ Mr. Vance reported on nis dis- ; cussion with the MURA representctives and he saif that he would write the MUR’ Cheirmen about this subject. (FVAMMAR DO) hf 7 You ere to speek to Chancellor Kimpton about this metter. 9. Flash Estimetes for FY 1958 - Discussed. § 1 DB . 4 And nreall Mr. Strouss esked what tre difference had been between the Flash Estimetes end BCB ener for FY 1957. (Burrows) CEtIhtiA 10. Special Intelligence Report - Mr. Libby said he’ vould like to speek to the 12 physicists wien they return from the Moscow Conference. (Reichardt) Mr. Libby susgested that Mr. Reichardt discuss coe Ligures on Soviet developments with Mr. Zinn before the Isc meeting on June +. (one, Mr. Reicuardt is to indicate during the IAC meeting that the Commis- sioners do not support the vlenning estimetes. (Reichardt) Mr. Reichardt will trief Mr. Murray on this report. (Reicherdt) ll. Iwo Personnel Mztters - The Commissioners had no objection to your tentative plans. Wi, , — LeerLarl —> puna 43 G