oO Office Memorandum + oNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ot 3 “monsoons oo TO : kK. E. Fields, Generel Menager FROM : W. 3B. MeCool., Secretery suBJECT: DATE: MeyMEY 29,1956 ©73 408584 ate cs S =| 8Cy 3 rar R&CAP OF MEETING 1203 - TUESDAY, 9:30 a.u., MY 29, 1056 revised. @) Wu bt =O zx Commission Decisions 1. oO 5 o SECY:JBA SYMBOL: <— = e Oo AEC 801/17 - Provisions Releting to Control and Safeguards to be Included in Future Agreements for Cooperation - <pproved, 2s r~ ‘ (Hail) “4 > Mr. Strauss requested that U. S. delegates to the September conference on IAB be instructed to emphasize the AEC's position thet health and sefety s.6C 845/kh - Dreft .greement for Cooperation with France - 4pproved, a: (Hail) Mr. Hall said he would discuss with Senator Pastore the advisability of attaching a classified annex on fuel enrichment to future, classified power reactor agreements. (Hall) Mr. Libby requested that considerstion be given to including in future egreenents a provision for transfer of highly enriched uranium for test reectors. He specifically mentioned the need for this provisicn in the Australien agreement. (Hall) ifr. Strauss requested that a meeting te erranged with Senator Pastore to discuss power reactor agreements for coopercticr. 3. (Hall) AEC 734/10 - Cooperation with the (right) Commission on Government Security - spproved. (Traynor) Mr. Streuss requested that any files to be provided the Wright Com- mission be submitted for his review. it is provided the sroup. (Traynor ir. Libby esked to see the Condon file before Other Business 1. Draft Agreements with Switzerlend, ~ustralia, and the Netherlands. Hoi1 seid these would be ready for consideration next week. E TST REVIEWL RoAT( tf. AUTHORITY CROC EOS Oo 2ND RLVILINER DATE:befWo a Sr ot AUTHORTY. ADD Be ah Te NAME i= Mr. . name Met: oki bse tes >, & x i“s y va 2. (Hall) a % standards should be incorporated in the statute. as revised. Box no. 104 (v3 BQb- 93-00) ark ~ g ie wis Fotper O26 - Vol. \ Canty)Sin e™ tS BOST COPY AAVAILASLE: