ALL Concerned


duly 16, 1953

there ever were ofTons and further tests are planned.

(The work onMMBEBby the rete firing group has meant that there has not

been rnch recent work on Rala shots.

However, Dr. MacDougall ceid that

Tos Alanos is still interested in Rela and that they have a nunber of

Pala ehots in mind that will take at least two years to carry out.)
Test Cperations

Dr. Graves said that four of the UPSHOT tests geve radioactive fallout,

end these rere tower shots,

Cumulative infinite doses in populated

areas were calculated, in some of the highest cases, to be 6 roontgens

at Rockville (pop. 300), 7.7 roentgens at Hurricane (pop. 1500), 12 to.
15 roentgens at Riverside Cabins (pop. 1), and 7 roentgens at Crystal
(pop. 7). Some cows died fron what may have been a combination of

starvation and radiation. Some sheep died that were near starvation and
appeared to have burns of sone kind around the mouth and nose. Sons
horses were blinded, apparently either because they were looking at the-"

Lire ball or because of beta radiation from radioactive material caught
in their eyes.


There has been no fallout problen for any airburst snot to date. Howe
ever, for some experinents it is essential to do tower shots. In future
tests in Hevada, it is planned to try 500-foot towers instead of the
330-foot towers used at UPSHOT. In a series where there are fewer tests
than in YPSHOT, it would be possible to wait for more nearly ideal wind
conditions each time. Towever, the wind sometires shifts at the lsst

mimite and, in one case, srifted adversely after the shot had been fired.
It may be desirable to Minit tower su.ots to 35 kilotons, while airbursts
of up to 100 kilotons may be handled satisfactorily.

At fniwetok, there is also a fallout problez, not only in rerard to the
atoll itself but also in rezard to the 30,000 natives livins on various
islands to the south. The cost of tests at Mmivwetok is creater by about
a factor of three then tests in Nevada. The nunber of people for an
Fniwetok series is about 9000, consared with around 2000 in Nevada. The
tine revaired for preparation and for an operation at Fnivetok is about

Sc rontns, compared with es little as 3 months in Neveda.

In the CASTLE operation, four shots will be fired at Eikini first: one
on en island to the northwest of the atoll, tro on berces in the north
cf the la-oon, and one on en islend to the south, in thet order. Then,
tivo shots will be fired at Eniwetok: one on the island to the northcast
were tne GRIIITCUSE George snot wes fired and the other en a barge in
the crater of the IVY idke snote

Select target paragraph3