All Concerned





gly 16, 1953


(During the afternoon of July 9, a presentation of the status of the NTA

project was mede by a representative of the California Research and

Developrent Coe, and then a tour wes made of the facilities of Project

Whitney and the VTA et Livernore.)

(Discussions were held in Berieley on the morning of July 10 among
personnel of the Division of tilitary Application, the San Francisco
Operations Office, and the University of California Radiation Laboratory
on facilities and budget matters in regard te Project Whitney. These

discussions will be covered by Col. Beckedorff and lr. Gise in their
trip renorts.)

(Tne VIC mexnbers visited the Naval Radiological Defense Leboratory

on July 10.)

Paul c. Fine
Technical Acscistant
Division of Lilitary Application

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