
Neither growth nor decreased dietary calcfum or phosphorus had an

effect on the metabolism of yttrium, cerium, and plutonium.

Strontium was

eliminated with a half time of 3-4 months, much more rapidly than the el imination of yttrium, certum and plutonium which had half-times of 1-3 years.


in rabbits also indicated that uptake of injected 8%Sr and 90Sr by the
skeleton was greater in young animals than in old ones, and was inversely
related to calcium levels in the diet (Kidman et al., 1950).


The transfer of radiostrontium from the lung into the bloodstream was also

investigated in rats (Abrans et al., 1946).

Immediately after 30-min exposure

to 89Sr as SrCi2, more than 50% of strontium that was deposited in the
Tungs had been ranoved fran the lungs, and 25% ‘was in the skeleton.

The Tung

burden was reduced by half over the next 30 minutes, and after 8 hours, only
2.5% of the initial burden was in the lungs.

Over 85% was skeletal ly

Direct skeletal uptake of inhaled weapons fallout radiostront ium

in test animals was demonstrated fn 1952 and was found to be preferential ly
concentrated in growing bone (Smith et al., 1952).
Although the behavior of strontium was qualitatively similar to that of
calcium, it was shown in experimental animals that the ratio of strontium to

calcium in tissues was different fram the ratio of the two elements in the

To better quantify and predict the differentiation in tissues or

excreta, Comar et al. (1956) proposed the term “Stront tum-Calcfum Observed

Ratio” (OR), where
Sr/Ca of sample
ORsample-precursor * yrytg
op ceareecar

Select target paragraph3