representatives of the Washington Controller was delegated to spend additional time with H & N fiscal personnel in revising the Balamuce Sheet
to reflect a more realistic picture, and in formulating recommendations
for the discontinuation or consolidation of various other reports and
schedules. The Balance Sheet was revised im accordance with the agreements reached at these meetings. With the exception of minor revisions
in the arrangement of the Statement, resulting principally from the increased participation of other agencies in the operations at the Project,
no further changes in the Balance Sheet presentation have been necessary.
It was also mitually agreed that some of the reports might well be
discontinued or consolidated, with no detrimental effect on the financial
reporting insofar as AEC at Los. Alamos and Washington was concerned.
During the H & N Controller's visit to Los Alamos on March 1, 1950,

this matter was further discussed (in conjunction with the proposed re-

vised Cost Report - Projects in Progress) with the AEC Contracting Officer, the AEC Contract Administrator, the Deputy Director of Finance
at Los Alamos, and the representative of the Washington AKC Controller's
Office. As a result, authorization was given to discontinue all previously required financial statements, reports, and schedules, except the

Balance Sheet (as revised on January 31 for the purpose of pre-


Cost Repert - Projects in Progress, to conform generally to the
revised report of Jamuary 31.


Report required by Controller's Release No. 9.


Report required by Controller's Release Ho. lk.


Report required by JIPC (JIF-3).


Monthly report of Obligations, Expenditures, and Reimbursements.


Monthly Statement of Contractor's Earned Fee. This statement
actually constitutes detailed billing for earned fee and services, as a basis for payment from AEC advance funds to the
Holmes and Narver treasury, following approval of the Contracting Officer as required by the Contract.


Annual Motor Vehicle Report.


Analysis of Inter-Office Transfers.

sentation at this conference).

In connection with this re-

port permission was granted to substitute "Structures" for the
sub-heading previously classified as "Buildings."

Although this reduction materially lessened the miltiple handling
of fiscal data, it was still necessary to make three regroupings of ac-

counts for the reports required by Controller's Release No. 9 and No. 14
and for the report for JTPC.


Select target paragraph3