"to the Departments of the Army and Air Forces," dated 9 December, 1949,
requesting assignment of Property Accountable Officers "to Joint Task
Force Three at the earliest practicable date."
Before the arrival at Jobsite of any of the agreed upon Property
Accountable Officers, H & N was required to transship and receive at Jobsite, a few shipments of items procured by or for other agencies. At a

meeting in the Office of the Chief, Supply Branch, AEC, at Los Alamos on
November 29, 1950, attended by representatives of AEC, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, and the H & N Controller's Office, clarification of

responsibility and accountability was requested in connection with shipments by or for other agencies. The H & N Controller explained that
H & N was willing to assume accountability and responsibility as required
vy the AEC, but that there was grave concern over the possibility of being
called upon to account for technical equipment and instruments acquired

by and for use of ether agencies, after the fact, as a result of the
failure of other agencies to render the proper accounting.

An example

cited was the material cost distribution covering items used by the Construction Battalion at Eniwetok. It was learned that after the January
1950 Meetings it had been determined that only one Property Accountable

Officer would be required by Joint Task Force Three, and that his ap-

pointment had been deferred for various reasons. Advice was given, however, that the Joint Task Ferce Three Property Accountable Officer had
been appointed, and that his operations had been established in wesnee-


In the meantime, a Warrent Officer had been stationed at0

and assigned the responsibility for receiving and transhipping technical
equipment and instruments furnished by and for other ageucies; and an
enlisted man had been assigned to Jobsite to assume the responsibility for
receiving, warehousing, and accountability for these shipments, pending

the arrival of the designated Property Accountable Officer.

These ac-

countability records were maintained by the Military Property Accountable
Officer, and H & N did not assume any responsibility therefor.

Monthly fiscal reports originally required by AEC Finance, as prescribed by letters and attachments, H & N file Nos. HN-747; HN-748; and
HN-755, were:


Statementof Estimated Cash Requirements.
Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.

(These reports

duplicated information furnished as support for 1034 Public
Vouchers used in securing advances of additional funds,

accordance with the previsions of Contract Article YI.)


Balance Sheet.


Operating Statement.



Statement of Entries to and Balance in Current Account, sup-

ported by a Register of Receipts and Issues by Receiving Report Musber and Shipping Memo Number.


Select target paragraph3