In addition to the basic Work Authorization Letters originated by
the Commission's Contracting Officer the Contractor's Project Manager
issues various forms of work orders. These work orders may de described
as follows:

Engineering Work Orders are issued by the Jobsite Engineering
Manager to the Jobsite Construction Manager to proceed with
work outlined, in accordance with approved plans and specifications.


Change Orders are initiated at the Jobsite to cover or meet practical field conditions, to meet changed requirements, or to
achieve economy and efficiency. All Change Orders are subject
to approval of beth the Contractor's Resident Manager and the

Commission's Residemt Engineer, together with formal submittal
of Cost Estimates to the Commission's Centracting Officer for

review and approval as modifications to the Contract, if necessary .

Extraordinary Maintenance Work Orders are issued te cover unusual or large maintenance items which could not be anticipated

in preparation of the original Job 4 Estimate.

Here, likewise,

formal estimates are gubmitted to the Commission for review and




Job-No. 5 Work Orders cover requests of "Users" for Contractor's

services. These requests are approved by the Commission's Representative at the Jobsite.

Samples showing the form of the various types of work orders are
presented as exhibits at the end of this section.

The initial Charts of Accounts and the early financial and cost

statements, reports, and records confermed to Contrect Appendix "D" and
to other specific, written instructions of the AEC.~ These written instructions were furnished in detailed clarification and confirmation of

oral instructions given toe the On-Continant Controller by representatives

of the AEC Finance Division, at Los Alamos, on May 16 and 17, 1949.

Except for minor revisions and additional reports required by the Com-

mission in accordance with various directives in the form of Controller's
Releases, GM Bulletins, SF Bulletins, and others, all fiscal records,
statements, and reports were maintained and submitted in accordance with

these instructions, through December 31, 1949.

(aan te letters, May 18, 1949 (N-747 and -748); ABC letter, undated

“controller's Trip Report, May 18, 1949.


Select target paragraph3