A system was conceived of sprinkling the ground by employment of a
"Rainmaker" sprinkler array while carrying out earth-moving operation,

and a token quantity of this equipment was sent to the Jobsite for trial
purposes. A demonstration proved highly successful, ani AEC officials
gave unqualified approval.

This method of preventing dust during the

period of grading "shot areas" was used on all shot islands with excellent results, ani latent contamination ani radioactivity levels were
reduced to well below tolerance.
During these operations, continuous surveillance was exercised by

"rad-safety monitors" for airborne radioactive particles and for radiation and no hazardous practices were tolerated. Educational lectures

by rad-safety personnel to those engaged in the operation helped to

avoid unwarranted fears and to engender respect for the safety procedures
prescribed. As an additional precaution, all personnel entering or
working in contaminated areas were required to wear protective clothing
am carry standard film dosimeters.

A record of all exposures to radio-

activity was kept at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.

beyond tolerance were recorded.


No exposures

A Fire Department was organized to provide fire protection and

prevention, and was placed under the supervision of the Assistant Safety


The department had three units of mobile apparatus -—- two

1-1/2 ton Chevrolet trucks, one with a 500-gpm pump and the other pro-

viding 300-gpm pumping capacity, and one American La France 4 x 2 Ford
truck with 300-gpm pumping capacity. This equipment was located at

Parry, Engebi, and Biijiri, where the greatest fire hazard existed.


buildings, structures, marine craft, and hazardous locations were provided with an adequate number of the appropriate type fire extinguishers.
Four jeeps, obtained from the Army, were equipped with 150 pounds of
COm and other fire-fighting equipment and stationed at the various air

strips for use as crash trucks. One Fire Chief was utilised exclusively
for making fire prevention inspections, checking fire extinguishers,

etc., throughout the Jobsite.

During the seventeen-month period

(Jamary 1, 1950 through May 31, 1951) a total of forty-six fires occurred with a fire loss totaling $1,473.61.

In view of the importance of insect control throughout the Atoll
it 1s considered to be appropriate to set forward at length the steps
followed in the insect control program.
The daily spray of fog smoke was used at Parry Island to
control flies. This spray was discharged through the exhaust of a

specially equipped truck. "No Spray", an oil—base insecticide containing 5 per cent DDT, was used approximately one-half the time and a
lindane insecticide solution of one part of insecticide to twenty parts
of water was used the balance of the time. The two insecticides were
used in order to avoid a build-up of insect resistance to either one.


Select target paragraph3