Personnel movement to and from the Jobsite was dependent to a major
extent on Government transportation facilities, Although during the
early stages of the Project, proposals were discussed concerning the use
of commercial transportation facilities to Wake Island, the feasibility
of such proposals was difficult to establish. As a consequence of the
heavy traffic burden carried by government transportation systems, the
desired flexibility in moving personnel to the Jobsite was never available. Transportation backlogs accumulated at Los Angeles, San Francisco,
and Honolulu awaiting transportation by MATS.
By May of 1950, the air transportation situation became critical and,
in order to absorb accumulated backlogs, surface vessel transportation
was utilized. This practice was followed periodically through the following year, even though it was a source of difficulty in maintaining a high
standard of personnel relations. The facilities employed for transportation of personnel to and from the Jobsite and the extent of utilization

is shown in Fig. 8.5-1,


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