Beds, tables, chairs, lockers, bedding, mattresses, pillows, mattress
covers, sheets, and pillow cases required continuous unkeep, and for this

work a continuous inspection and replacement program was established.
Barracks cleaning and cleaning and maintenance of washroom facilities were
carried on both by barracks' attendants and by maintenance crews operating
on pre-established schedules.
Continual care and protection against deterioration was necessary in
the upkeep of mess hall facilities such as tables, chairs, serving equip-

ment, coffee urns, dishwashing facilities, and drinking fountains, as well
as other miscellaneous units, This was done by operating personnel and
by a roving maintenance group. All kitchen facilities such as stoves,
bake ovens, deep fry units, steam kettles, meat processing units, potato

peelers, hot water facilities, ice cream equipment, and allied facilities,

required continual care as well as considerable maintenance to keep units
free from dirt and to guard against improper operational procedures.
Cleaning, steaming, and repair of garbage facilities was a daily function.
Refrigeration units, distributed throughout various buildings, re~
quired inspection and general maintenance as well as adjustment, cleaning, painting, and recharging; this was accomplished by a refrigeration
crew on continuous duty.

All laundry machinery and equipment such as boiler house units, washers, dryers, and presses had to be maintained in a high state of efficiency for maximim output. Considerable adjustment and replacement of parts
became necessary in order to maintain the desired standard of operation.
Fresh and salt water pipe lines had to be constantly checked; out~
iets, hydrants, and lines required continuous hydrostatic testing because
leaks developed through deterioration of materials, particularly from
electrolysis in copper piping, Elevated water tanks, towers, and accessories of these facilities required periodic cleaning, rust removal, and
painting. Throughout the entire area, this became a continuous operation
for a limited mumber of personnel, Ground storage tanks for both fresh

water and petroleum products required constant checking; as rust and corrosion developed, necessary scraping, sand blasting, and painting was done.
Portable fresh water systems were checked daily; water was tested against
bacterial contamination and chlorinated as prescribed.
Because of the level terrain of the entire Atoll and the consequent

low gradient of the sewer systems at all sites, it was necessary that they
be closely watched to protect against clogging, which would result in back-

ing up in the lines and flooding of quarters. Periodic pressure flushing
of the systems was practiced to maintain free flow through the outfall;
this flushing was done at least every two weeks.
The diesel operated prime movers and direct connected generators of

the power and water distillation plant required constant observation and
maintenance. Periodic cleaning, lubrication, and oil replacement were on
a fixed schedule, depending on hours of unit operation, Periodically, as

necessitated by engine performance, fuel injectors were removed, reworked,


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