Utilities for the production of power, for the distillation of water,
for the disposal of sewage, and for fuel handling and storage were very
important components of the operation and required a great amount of detailed effort on the part of all concerned in order to maintain the best
possible service under the existing conditions.
Many special problems were encountered. Power and water distillation
plants as originally designed for Parry and Eniwetok were inadequate to
meet the demand of a population which increased far beyond the original
and even later estimates, Difficulty was experienced in the sanitary
sewage system because of low gradient. Original fuel storage facilities
were inadequate in the light of increased requirements for fuel due to

major expansion of power generation and water distillation facilities.

Power plants for the generation of electrical energy were operated

on the islands of Eniwetok, Parry, Japtan, Runit, Engebi, and Biijiri.

Auxiliary power plants were installed on smaller islands for supplying
electrical energy to photographic tower installations, and in addition
the Army Commmications Section, Radar Section, and other Users furnished
their own power generating equipment. During the operational period additional small power generator sets were used for special purposes by the
various Users. The following is a list of power plant equipment and capacities, by site.
Generator Units

Auxiliary Eqpt.

5 diesel, 142 kw

1 diesel, 195 kw

5 Caterpillar, 75 kw
3 International, 30 kw


Generator Units

6 diesel, 142 kw

Auxiliary Eqpt.

3 Caterpillar, 75 kw

4. Palmer, 5 kw
i Onan, 5 kw

1 Onan, 10 kw


Generator Units
Auxiliary Eqpt.


3 diesel, 113 kw
2 Caterpillar, 75 kw

Select target paragraph3