The Telephone Section furnished telephone service for the entire

Atoll, except subscriber's loops and switchboards on Eniwetok, which
were operated by the Communications Section of TG-3.2. The telephone
system service accounted for about half of the work done; the other half

was special services required by the Users.

These special services in-

cluded connecting, wiring and installing telemetering, teletype, sound
power, and intercommunications systems as well as direct lines, private
lines, timing circuits, public address systems, radio back-up, and siren
warning network, Many of these services were of a type that had to be
done anew for each experiment,
The extent of the work performed by the Telephone Section may be
seen from the following list. The Telephone Section:


Connected telemetering circuits for various scientific groups.


Connected all cable pairs and wired the circuits through for all
teletype circuits between Eniwetok and Parry; between Eniwetok
and Parry and the buoys off Runit, the Aomon-Biijiri-Rojoa group,
and Engebi; and between Eniwetok and Parry and the USS CURTISS



Operated sound powered telephones and intercommnications between


Furnished direct lines for Rad-Safe to the outside of Building
No. 69 on Runit, the Aomon-Biijiri-Rojoa group, and Engebi after
each shot and extended these lines to the pier areas as soon as
possible after each shot,


Furnished direct lines (in addition to telemetering circuits)


Furnished direct lines from the CURTISS! buoys to the Command


Furnished ten direct lines from Task Force Building No, 221 on


Connected private telephone line circuits between the Task Force
Commander, his chief staff officers, TG-3.1, the Telemetering
Building, Rad-Sefe, Air Operations, and Marine Operations.


Connected a net work of private telephone circuits for the Firing
Party between the powerhouses, piers, tops and bases of towers,

from the top and base of each tower to Control Building No. 311
and to the CMR area on Parry.
Post, Operations Center, and Control Building by rigging switches
in the Parry telephone office.
Parry to the switchboard on Eniwetok.

Station No, 69 on Runit, the Aomon-Biijiri-Rojoa group, and



Select target paragraph3