Various directives concerning progress reports were issued from
time to time by the AEC in order to assure that current information on
the various phases of the work involved was available to all interested
agencies and personnel, The preparation of progress reports presented
some difficulty in view of the fact that increases in the scope of work
required almost continuous re-evaluation of the weights given to each
feature of construction covered by the various reports required, Monthly progress reports submitted to the AEC included:

<A narrative report of all important features at the Jobsite,
a summary of the personnel and procurement situations, and a
chronological record of events of interest at the Jobsite


A chart of progress of construction on base facilities, showing the status of each feature of the program


<A chart of progress of construction on Military Structures,
showing the status of each feature of the program


A chart of progress of construction on Scientific Structures,
showing the status of each feature of the program

The subject of fiscal reports is discussed in Section 11, Fiscal
Vol IV, and mention is made of the fact that a great expenditure of
time was required to prepare the great variety of statements and reports requested, By the end of October 1949, the fiscal reporting requirements of various AEC divisions had increased to a total of twenty
reports, including an annual motor vehicle report, three semi-monthly
statements, and sixteen monthly reports and statements, These were in
addition to six internal reports prepared for the guidance of H&N management in regard to the Proving Ground project. Subsequent changes in
the requirements tended to diminsh the numbers of reports required, and
final agreement was ultimately reached that the following list of reports, statements, and schedules would govern:


Cost Report - Projects in Progress (Monthly)


Report required by AEC Controller's Release No. 9


Balance Sheet

Report required by AEC Controller's Release No, 14




Cost Report required by JTF-3



Monthly report of obligations, expenditures, and reimbursements


Select target paragraph3