The contract between the AEC and Holmes & Narver involved architectural lay-out, engineering design, construction, maintenance, and

management of complete Proving Ground facilities at Eniwetok Atoll.

Inherent in a project of such magnitude and complexity are requirements
for the accomplishment of many special studies and the preparation of
many special and periodic reports to assure the flow of information to
concerned agencies, to answer questions raised, and to serve the interests of both the government and the contractor, The studies and reports required, may be readily categorized under the headings of Planning, Design, Progress, Fiscal and Property, and Miscellaneous,
It will be seen from the brief review given of the reports and
special studies in each of the categories that the effort required in

research, collation, and mechanical preparation was substantial,


certain divisions personnel were assigned a primary responsibility for
the continual accumulation of data for periodic reports required by the


Thus, for example, statistical engineers at the Jobsite and at

the Home Office were engaged to a great proportion of their time in
accurately charting progress in engineering design and construction.
Likewise, administrative personnel in the Operations Division, were
designated as responsible for continuously collecting pertinent information for monthly narrative progress reports.

The fundamental planning report for the project was the result of
the first phase of work authorized by the Letter-of-Intent issued by
the AEC in September 1948. The activities of the reconnaissance group
are detailed in Chapter 5.5, Engineering, Vol II, of this report; the
Reconnaissance Report is reproduced in Appendix A, Vols V and VI,


will be seen that-the Reconnaissance Report contains a detailed analy-

sis of the many factors involved in the construction and operation of
the Proving Ground at Eniwetok, recommendations looking toward the
accomplishment of the proposed program of construction and operation,
and estimates of costs, The document proposed the basic criteria and
philosophies for construction and operational programs followed throughout the course of the project.
Other planning studies performed included special surveys, determination of methods for reducing radioactivity contamination, the determination of the condition of installed submarine cables at the atoll,
the preparation of estimates of cost and transportation requirements,
and determinations of the most economical courses of action with respect to many phases of the project.



Select target paragraph3