that a representative meet each incoming MATS plane ftom Eniwetok in

order to supervise returning employees. As the arrival of planes was
frequently delayed, this service sometimes entailed an almost continuous

vigil at the various airports throughout a 24 hour day. Upon the arrival of a group, it was necessary that the H & N representative personally supervise the arrangement of accommodations for each man in order
to insure that each man was available for scheduled departure, Unexpected delays in Honolulu usually involved the disbursement of funds.
During the operational period, extending from February through June
1951, this service was extended to include all scientific personnel as
well as to those of Task Group 3.1. These demands upon the Honolulu

Office, combined with the requirements imposed by local hiring, security
clearances, and minor purchasing activities, required at ore time an

organization of nine employees in that office.

The manager of the Honolulu Office maintained the closest possible
liaison with all three military headquarters in the area, This relationship was of inestimable value in the resolution of various problems,
including those involving the acquisition of naval craft at the Project
as well as those concerned with surface ship transportation and air


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