
D. J. Brush, General Manager

June 11, 1979
Page 2










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1600 hrs. - Both whalers in the water - finally got one running. Mec anic
(Global) determined the other needed new carburetor and he would catch
early morning water taxi fromEbeye tomorrow and fix it.
Evening - Talked with Dr. Pratt by phone. He repeated the request from
Larry Edwards regarding the Rongelap passengers. I stated to Dr. Pratt®
that there was no such thing as "passengers" on the vessel, nor any
"fares"; rather, medical mission essential personnel only; all paying ™

the $6.00 per day S&Q.

Dr. Pratt then stated that the two individuals

were people who had to be examined on Rongelap, one was exposed. The
other a control group member. They could not be examined on Ebeye because
all the medical gear had been packed for this mission. I stated that I
would require a signed paper so stating, as well as copies of their T.A.
Dr. Pratt concurred.
Friday, 25 May.

Second whaler being repaired.
0900 - Dr. Pratt came aboard. I mentioned the requirement for the statements
and asked if he saw any problems. He stated that everything looked good
except he noticed a J -box cover missing in the women's quarters, and
requested the 'cannon' be removed from the starboard gunwale.
Installed J-box cover and removed cannon.
1030 - Both whalers repaired, aboard and secured.


Vessel ready for

It has been decided to go to Ebeye at 1300 - load medical gear and return
to Kwajalein to await 1630 arrival of Air Mic with final departure set
for 1800.
Received word from Jim Watt that Rongelap wants to talk to "someone"
from the ship by radio at the TT office. I went to the TT radio office, ~
but they had difficulty getting through. The operator said they wanted
to give us a shopping list and she would pass the info to me if she was ©
successful in establishing communication with Rongelap.
af 9e
1200 hrs. - Got word of the request from Rongelap - They want nine drums jv“) | Cra
of gasoline and kerosene, and several cases of candy bars. I discussed wt

this with Dr. Pratt, stating that we would have room for no more than

four drums of fuel. He said this was a duplicate order; that Peter Heotis
was getting the stuff at Ebeye.
1300 hrs. - Departed for Ebeye. Loaded medical gear and the two Rongelap
patients. Peter Heotis said he had been unable to get any of the material
Rongelap ordered.

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