Personnel were guided by signs and verbal instructions to the personnel

decontamination center in the south end of the radsafe building on Medren (Ports)

This center was conveniently located near each of the checkpoints

so that “tracking” of contamination was minimized.

Upon entering the

center, personnel disrobed, discarded protective clothing and items of
equipment into the appropriately marked containers, showered, and then

passed into the @rying room, where they were again monitored.



If “clean,"


they passed into the “clean” change room, retrieved their personal
Clothing, dressed, and returned to their organizations.
contaminated, they were returned to the shower.

If found still

In several cases,

localized "hot" spots were found on body extremities; these were
decontaminated by applying a hand brush and more soap.

Various chemical solutions and agents were available to aid in the
decontamination, but their use was not necessary.


Equipment decontamination.

A control checkpoint was

established at the boat landing just north of the
personnel pier on Medren Island.

Departing vehicles

had their interior surfaces lined with paper.


landing craft with vehicular or other mobile
equipment were instructed to land at the designated

boat landing, where the control officer of the
checkpoint monitored the equipment.

If "clean," the

equipment was moved to its destination; if




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