however, was contaminated by particulates carried by a rain squall and
returned to the Rendova for decontamination.

Marine oes ay ar
It is unclear from the records examined whether a Navy or an Air Force
helicopter was used to conduct the initial survey.

It is believed it was

a Navy aircraft; however, a quote from WT-614 (IPO 132.1TU7#1, p. 20)

\ Morin’

Th e use of H-19
ters proved to be of great aid

in radiation survey and recovery. Their use permitted a
maximum time within contaminated areas and a minimum time
of transportation within contaminated areas.




The H-19 helicopter is an Air Force aircraft.


espleré WE
wick. heres


The quote from WT-614




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may refer to later surveys and recovery, but this is uncertain.

ne ons


A private communication with the commander of TU 1, who flew aboard
He 2Zhouts

the helicopter at 4ml0-minutes after MIKE for the initial survey, did not
completely resolve the question.

The former commander was not sure

whether the helicopter was an Air Force or a Navy aircraft.
however, it was Navy.


He thought,

His best recollection for IVY supports the belief

that at least initial surveys were conducted by Navy helicopters (IPO


Task Group 132.4 directed TE to furnish two H-19 helicopters
to the Rendova to supplement Gapyeopters for atoll reentry flights.
The main purpose, however, was to provide transportation for early reentry

to Enewetak of an emergency ground crew in the event of any F-846
emergency landings there.

The team included a radsafe monitor, four



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