
personnel, services and material to be made available to Air Force ask

CTG 132.4 will take necessary action to obtain personnel for the

manning of his group along the lines indicated in this annex.


Maintain a staff capable of assisting the Commander, Air Force

Task Group in the accomplishment of tasks and missions assigned.

By liaison with appropriate parent conmands, assure the proper

training and equipping, and the timely reporting of elements to the task

Organize, equip|andtraina:.air element capable of providing an

intra-atoll airlift at ENIWETOK, and an inter-atoll airlift system to support JTF 132 elements on ENIWETOK, BIKINI, and KWAJ ALBIN.


1G 132.2 build-up instructions covered herein are in addition

to the operational directives toATCOM and CTG 132.2 contained in CJTF 132

Operation Order No.


; which remains in effect,

By liaison with appropriate parent command, commanders of task

groups will assure the early initiation of security clearance for participating personnel and that due emphasis in training of elements of task groups
has been placed on radiological safety and other mtters peculiar to an
operation of this nature.

cTG 132,2 will arrange to have individual weapons for atoll de-

fense available for issue as required,

(4) ALL military personnel to be stationed on ENIWETOK ATOLL will be
qualified in marksmanshiptrain f
or they are armed
prior to departure from the Zone of interior (ZI).

Task sroup commanders will maintain detailed records of activities

of their task groups.

Re.orts for historical purposes and other reports will

be submitted to CJTF 132 in accordance with JTF 132 directives.

Select target paragraph3