
Qperaticn Order

CUTF 132 No. 5.52

(1) The continuing execution of instructions oontained in CJTF 132

Operation Order No. 4-52, date

Maintain all base facilities on BNIWETOK ISLAND except those

specifically allocated to cTG 132.1 andCTG 132.4 in accordance with existing
agreements between the AEC and the Department of Vefense.

CTG 132.2 will be prepared to provide ground security for



with capabilities provided by CTG 132.4 operate an intra-atoll



airlift at Uniwetok and an inter-atoll airlift system to support JTF 132

elements on ENIWETOK, BIKINI, and K¥AJALEIN.

With capabilities provided by r1G 132.3 operate a boat pool at

ENT TOK and an inter-atoll surface lift system.

CTG 132.2 will be prepared to operate the following facilities:


Port facilities.
Base facilities.
Signal communications.

CG 132.2 will maintain a staff capable of assisting the

Commander, Army Task Group in the accomplishment of tasks and missions

Commander, Navy Task Group _(CIG 132.3)

lined below.

will perform the missions out~

See Annex F for summary of ultimate tasks, and for naval

personnel and services and material to be made available to CTG 132.2.

Maintain a staff capable of assisting the “comander, Navy Task

Group in the accomplishment of tasks and missions assigned,

Organize, equip, and train a boat pool element for ENIWETOK, and

an intra-atoll surface lift system.


By liaison with appropriate parent commands, assure the proper

training and equipping and the timely reporting of elements to the task

‘repare to discharge, within the capability of forces available,

the off-shore and air security responsibilities for ENIWETOK ATOLL.



Select target paragraph3