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PART Ill, CHAPTERS 1 and 2
information on these operations, refer to Chapters III and IV.
1.13 Plans for JTF-Seven Weather/Rad-Safe
_ Stations called for the re-activation of
stations at Rongerik, Kusaie, Ujelang, Rongelap,
Wotho, Kapingamarangi, and Tarawa and the
construction of new facilities at Utirik, Nauru,
Ponape, and Truk. The Chief, Eniwetok Branch,
AEC, handled the negotiations for sites and

clearances directly with the U. S. High Com-

missioner, Trust Territories, Pacific; the British
Resident Commissioner, Tarawa; and the Australian Administrator, Nauru, Central Pacific Islands. For entry to Nauru, it was necessary to
obtain permission from the Australian Govern-

ment, through the U. S. State Department,

Washington, D. C. After considerable delay, permission was granted and a lease agreement was
concluded in time to permit completion of
construction prior to the beginning of the Operaion.


Detailed plans were made by H&N for

the recruitment of personnel, oreration
and management of camp and support facilities,
off-atoll operations, hostile action alerts, natural
disaster defense, and for the radiological safety
of its own personnel.

E-7, TG 7.5, assisted by the OTO RadSafe Adviser and the AEC Rad-Safe
Officer, made detailed plans for TG 7.5 RadSafe operations and supervised their execution.
This planning included the use of IBM equip-

ment to prepare accurate and rapid Rad-Safe
records. Refer to Chapter XI for details on TG
7.5 Rad-Safe operations.


TG 7.5 natural disaster defense and
hostile action alert plans were prepared
and included in the TG 7.5 SOP.

Plans were also made for the roll-up of
the EPG and off-atoll Weather/RadSafe Stations after the completion of Operation
HARDTACK.The roll-up of Bikini Atoll began

after the JUNIPERevent and was completed on

19 August. The roll-up of the off-atoll Weather
Stations began on 26 July with the departure of
the LST-618 for Nauru, and Weather Station
roll-up was completed on 16 September 1958.
The roll-up of Johnston Island began on 14
August and was completed by 19 September
1958. Eniwetok Atoll roll-up was essentially complete by 1 October 1958.

A revised long-range plan for PAC improvements to EPG was submitted in
June 1958 in two volumes entitled LONG-


‘ GROUND. VolumeI covers Site Elmer; Volume

II covers Sites Fred and Rex. Someof the pro-

jects described in the June 1956 publication of

the same general title were completed during
FY’s 1957 and 1958. The remainderof the con-.
struction as then planned, together with additional requirements, forms the basis of the new
report which augments long-range planning
through FY 1962.


TG 7.5 manpower was phased with construction and support requirements.
Construction personnel recruitment fell below
estimated rates in 1957. (See Fig. 3-1). This reduced manpower requirement was caused by
rescheduling the construction program.

Due to recruitmentdifficulties, it became
necessary to work engineering and critical craft personnel up to 84 hours per week during peak activity periods. This factor, together

with the extended build-up period, held the

TG 7.5 population below the estimated peaks.

TG 7.5 population fell off sharply during the

latter part of April but remained higher than
originally planned due to an increase in the number of events scheduled and additional construction requirements. Another factor affecting the

TG 7.5 population level was the transfer of the

VHA events from Bikini to Johnston Island.
TG 7.5 peak population at Johnston Island was
380 on 12 July 1958.
Page 40


Personnel of Task Groups supported by
TG 7.5 exceeded scheduled numbers by
approximately 150 and reached a peak of
2330 on 14 May 1958. The personnel build-up

of Task Groups supported by TG 7.5 wasslightly
in advance of original predictions but reached
the peak as scheduled. The reduction of person-

nel of the various Task Groups was gradual,
until after the cancellation of the UN event when

numbers were reduced sharply.


With the completion of the HARDTACK,
Phase I, series, TG 7.5 began the roll-up

program and subsequently reduced personnel

strength. It was planned that TG 7.5 strength
would be reduced to approximately 1200 by 1
October 1958. Plans also indicated that TG 7.5
interim strength would not fall below 900, as-

suming a normal 18-month interim period.

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