Appendix 3

Model 1: The future programme is such that the mean rate of deposition of Sr*° maintains the

value it has had over the past three years (2.3 mc/km’/year).

The meanrate of fallout of Sr°° between May 1954 and May 1957 has been 2.3 mc/km?/year,
and the cumulative level in May 1957, including pre-1954 material, was 7.5 mc/km?. In the detailed model we can make an allowance for this pre-1954 sr*° by supposing that the mean depo-

sition rate of Sr®° has been 2.3 mc/km?/year since January ist, 1954. The level on the groundat

any time t (years) since that date is then given by Xg where:

Xp = *3 (1 — et) where A is the decay constant of Sr*”

i.e. X, (me/km?) = 92 (1 — e705)


The equilibrium value of X, on this model is 92 mc/km?.
Model 2: Firing is presumed to cease in mid-1957.
The one unknown factor in this case is the fraction of the stratospheric reservoir deposited

per year.


In the most recent complete year of measurement (May 1956 to May 1957) the amount of
sr*° deposited at Milford Haven was 2.55 me/km? and hence the effective stratospheric reservoir, on the assumption that a fraction Am of stored Sr®? is deposited annually, is given by:

Xs = 2.55/Am


If firing be presumed to have ceased in mid-1957, the value of the ground level concentration t years later will be:

Xp = T.5e7At + nee (1—e7AmtjenAt


X, has a maximum value given by:
7.5 Am

+ 2.55

Xg(max) = +
(12 + hm) ) g-aT
at a time T given by the equation:
“hm = (7.5 Am + 2.55)


2.55(A + Am)

Thus if the deposition rate is 12% per year, Am ~ 0.12 and the ground level concentration
will go through a maximum value of 17.7 me/km? in 1969. Maximum values for other values

of Ay, may be calculated from equations (4) and (5).

The rate of deposition at a time t after mid-1957 is given by the expression 2.55 e -OtAm)t
Thus if Am = 0.12 the rate of deposition will fall by a factor of 2 every five years.
Model 3: Future test programme such that the amountof sr*° generated per three-year period
is equal to that created between Spring 1954 and Spring 1957.
The total deposited between May 1954 and May 1957 was 6.9 mc/km? at a meanrate of
2.3 mc/km?/year. If, as before, we assume that a fraction Am of the stratospheric reservoir


Select target paragraph3