. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 14, January 1958.

Issue devoted to radiation, including


. Commoner, Barry.
Looney, W. B.
Machta, L.

The Fallout Problem.

Effect of Radium in Man.

Science, 127, May 2, 1958.
Science, 127, Mar. 21, 1958.

pp. 1023-1026.
pp. 630-633.

Discussion of Meteorological Factors and Fallout Distribution.

U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Dec. 30, 1957, 11 pp.


Paper presented

before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Indianapolis, Indiana.
. Machta, L. and List, R. J. Meteorological Interpretation of Strontium 90 Fallout.
Washington, U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, May 1, 1958, 9 pp. Paper
presented before the Washington Chapter, Federation of American Scientists.
. Libby, W. F. Radioactive Fallout. Washington, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission,
Mar. 27, 1958, 27 pp. Speech before the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, Lausanne.
. Libby, W. F.

Radioactive Fallout and Nuclear Test Suspension.

Energy Commission, Apr. 30, 1958, 4pp.

Washington, U. S. Atomic

Speech delivered at Amherst College, Amherst,


. Libby, W. F. Statement on Fallout in the Last Russian Test Series. Delivered before the
Washington Chapter, Federation of American Scientists, May 1, 1958.
. Libby, W. F.

Carbon-14 from Bomb Tests.

A statement delivered before the Washington

Chapter, Federation of American Scientists, May 1, 1958.
10. Dunham, Charles L. The Biological Problems of the Atomic Age. Washington, U. 8S.
Atomic Energy Commission, Nov. 20, 1957, 13 pp. Speech before the American Chemical
Society, Newark, Delaware.

11, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Advisory Committee on Biology and Medicine.
ment on Radioactive Fallout. Washington, D. C., October 1957, 14 pp.
12, Dunlap, C. E.

Delayed Effects of lonizing Radiation.

Radiology, 69, July 1957.

Statepp. 12-17.

13. Crow, J. F. Genetic Considerations in Establishing Maximum Radiation Doses. Radiology,
69, July 1957. pp. 18-22.
14. Failla, G.

Considerations Bearing on Permissible Accumulated Radiation Doses for
Occupational Exposure. Radiology, 69, July 1957. pp. 23-29.

15, Russell, R. S. et ai. Rate of Entry of Radioactive Strontium into Plants from Soil.. Nature,
180, Aug. 17, 1957. pp. 322-324.

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