biological half-lives for plutonium and 214 a, in bone and 40 y in liver. Of the plutonium
and 24) aon transferred to blood, 45% is assumed to reach the bone and 45% is assumed to

reach the liver. The remaining 10% is distributed among other organs.
Here we present the predicted maximum annual dose rates and the 30- and 50-y

integral doses for the different living patterns and options starting in September 1978.
The doses are calculated using the average dietary intake, radionuclide concentration,

radionuclide fraction absorbed into the body from that ingested, biological residence
times,sand external dose rate. The maximum annual dose rate for the whole body for a
case where an atoll or island is yet to be resettled is defined as the dose rate in that year

after the Marshallese return when the sum of the ingestion whole-body dose from

3 Cs

and the external gamma dose is a maximum. For bone marrow, the maximum occurs
when the ingestion bone-marrow dose from
Cs and 90s, and the external gamma dose
is a maximum.
The maximum, annual whole-body and bone-marrow dose rates for the major islands
at each atoll are listed in Table 16 for the MLSC diet and for the appropriate BNL diet.
This gives the range of doses that might be expected at an atoll depending on the dietary
conditions. The estimated doses include the contribution from all of the major exposure

pathways excluding the

22 mrem/y of natural

background exposure



radiation.© The doses are calculated assuming that people would be living full time on the
listed island, with all of their local foods from that island. This includes islands at atolls
that are currently uninhabited. At each inhabited atoll we have included the islands that

we were able to determine were being used as a residence or partial residence island or
as major agricultural island. At uninhabited atolls we have included the major islands
that might possibly be used for residence.
All of the inhabited atolls except Rongelap and many of the uninhabited atolls have

annual doses of less than 30 mrem/y, regardless of the assumed diet. The range is from
about 3 to 6 mrem/y for the MLSC diet to 20 to 29 mrem/y for the BNL diets. The doses
at uninhabited Ailinginae Atoll would range from 13 to 90 mrem/y for the MLSC and BNL
diets, respectively. The doses at the southern residence islands at Rongelap Atoll range
from 35 to 58 mrem/y for the MLSC diet and from 55 to 135 mrem/y for the BNL diet.
If Rongerik were continually inhabited, the respective range of doses would be 42 to


Select target paragraph3