both available. Imports unavailable indicates a condition where there is an absence of
imported foods. Local foods is an LLNL expression for the locally grown foods of the MLSC and BNL surveys.
local food


Under normal conditions, imported foods are preferred over

When imports are unavailable, it is assumed




consumption increases and that the intake of imported foods would be much more
limited. This condition is then projected over a lifetime.

Doses have been estimated for the major islands at each atoll assuming a

continuous residence on each island and all local food derived from that island. Some of
the islands listed are only used part time for residence or for agricultural purposes, but
we have estimated the dose assuming continuous occupation to indicate the dose relative
to current residence islands.


Data from BNL have been summarized to determine the body weight of the
Marshallese people. 27,28

The average body weights of adult males are listed in

Table 13. The average, adult male body weight is 72 kg for Bikini, 71 kg for Enewetak,
61 kg for Rongelap, and 70kg for Utirik; these are very near the 70-kg value of
reference man.?!

As a result, we have used 70 kg as the average body weight in our

dose calculations.

The average body weight for 113 adult females in the Enewetak

population is 61 kg; it is 67 kg for 30 Utirik females and 63 kg for 36 Rongelap females.-”

The dietary intake data from the BNL survey and the maximum dietary intake
data determined for adult females from the MLSC survey are the values used in our dose

When the daily food intake in grams per day (Tables 4 and

I!) are

multiplied by the radionuclide concentrations in the food products (Appendix A),


obtain the average daily intake of radionuclides for the various atolls and islands

(Table 14).


Select target paragraph3