
Community A


Maximum availability of local foods.


Highly depressed local economy--living within income provided by selling copra.


Low population.


Little or no ability to buy imported food.

Community B

Low availability of local foods except fish, which can constitute as much as

33% of the total diet, because of excellent fishing in the area.

Overpopulated--resulting in low availability of local foods.


Good supply of imported foods (supply boat comes in every 2 to 3 wk) and

readily available jobs.
Community C


Low availability of local foods, even fishing is poor.


Large government food program.


Good supply of imported foods and availability of cash to buy them.

The BNL data on the daily quantity of food prepared (or consumed) for the three
types of communities are listed in Table 11. The community diet pattern applied to each

atoll or island of the BNL survey is listed in Table 12,

Naidu et al. of BNL feel that

Bikini Atoll is representative of a community B diet pattern.

However, because of our

observations of dietary habits of the people who were living on Bikini Atoll in 1977 and
1978 and the observed similarities in lifestyle between the Bikini and Enewetak people,
we have elected to apply the MLSC survey data to Bikini as well as Enewetak and

Ujelang Atolls (Table 12).°










consumption and the BNL survey was conducted to ascertain food prepared for a family,
the results of the two surveys do, for the most part, reinforce each other--especially
when the BNL survey admittedly probably overestimated the actual food consumed.
Therefore, for the purposes of this survey the amount of food prepared will be equivalent
to the amount consumed.
The largest discrepancy between the two surveys is for coconut fluid.

The range in

the MLSC survey is 142 to 217 g/d for the average intake when imported foods are
available and unavailable, respectively.

The range in the BNL survey for the average

prepared for a household is 305 g/d for community C to 1025 g/d for community A. The


Select target paragraph3