
The drinking water pathway for the atolls visited in the Northern Marshall Islands
survey has been evaluated in a separate publication. !8

This pathway contributes a very

small portion of the total dose.>?! 9
The radionuclide concentration data used to evaluate the drinking water pathway
are listed in Appendix A. Cistern water is preferred and most often used; however, well
water is used when drought conditions exist.

When well water is used, the suspended

material is allowed to settle out prior to consumption. In addition to drinking water, the

Marshallese consume considerable quantities of coffee and Kool-Aid (Malolo), for which
they again primarily use cistern water.
Food Radionuclide Concentration

The radionuclide concentrations directly measured in local foods for the atolls and
islands and used in the dose assessment are listed in Appendix A.

Because there were

insufficient food products to directly determine the radionuclide concentrations in all
locally grown foodsat all islands, we have predicted the concentrations in those foods for
which we do not have direct data by multiplying the average island soil concentrations for
either the 0- to 10-, 0- to 15-, 0- to 25-, or 0- to 40-cm depth for one island by the
concentration ratios between food products and soil developed for the same profile at

another island. Most of the data in the tables are from direct measurements of the food
products. These measured and predicted radionuclide concentrations in foods are then
used in conjunction with the assumed average diets and dose models to develop the dose
assessment for various living patterns.
Soil Radionuclide Concentration

Radionuclide concentrations for the profiles 0 to 5, 0 to 10, 0 to 15, 0 to 25, 0 to 40,

and 0 to 60 cm are calculated using equal weights for each 5-cm increment. The island
average for each depth profile (i.e., 0 to 5 cm, 0 to 10 cm, etc.) was calculated by
averaging the results for each profile taken on the island. The results are summarized in
Appendix B.


Select target paragraph3