aft Ammounceticrnt

(Second Version)

The President announced today that plans are underway to return

the people of Bikini to their home atoll in the Marshall Islands.


special committee of expert consultants has reported to the Atomic
Energy Commission that Bikini Atoll, site of more than 20 nuclear tests ©

between 1946 and 1958, is once again safe for human habitation.
The Defense Department has reported after a special study that the
return of the people is consistent with security requirements.


will be a continuing requirement for the use of some sites on the atoll
and there may be a need for Defense Departuent personnel to be stationed
on the islands from time to time.

These uses will not prevent the

return of the people nor the re-establishzent of their normal way of

Bikini Atoll is a ring of 26 coral islands, 25 miles long and 15
miles wide, on the northwestern fringe of the Marshall Islands.


1946, when the Bikinians were moved to make way for miclear tests, about
150 persons lived on the atoll.

They moved first to Rongerik Atoll and

since 1948 have lived on Kili in the southern Marshall Islands.


Kili population is now about 300 and a total of about 500 people regard |

Bikini as their traditional home.
Because of the dense overgrowth of the isiands and the lack of any .
substantial quantity of foodstuffs growing on the atoll, an extensive



clearing and replanting program will be required.

In addition, housing»

and community facilities, such as a school, dispensary, and a water

collection systen, will be needed before the Bikinians can return from







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