ee OE =

July 25, 1968
the Bucini people will uctively participate in beth the plunning
and the execution stages Of the resettlement program.

The High

Comuissioner of the Trust Territory hes becn askea to request the
Bikini people to name a group of their leaders to work with Trust
Territory Government personnel and representatives of the United States
Government in developing a comprehensive resettlement plan.

This work

is scheduled to begin with a visit to the atoll within the next few
weeks by a team composed of Bikini representatives, and personnel from
the Crust Territory Govermnent, the Defense and Interior Departments and
the Atomic Energy Comission.

< is the intent of the United States and

the Trust Territory Government to work with the Bixini people in building
& modern and model community on their atoll.

Select target paragraph3