Supplemental Funding
The following is a list of funding periods and total

funding for all grants,

(direct plus

interagency agreements and "work for

others" agreements that were in effect in Fy 1980.

National Cancer Institute -- USPHS Grant No. 5 ROl CA 14533:
"Radiobiological Techniques in Human Cancer Therapy"
Principal Investigator:
Mortimer L. Mendelsohn
9/1/77 - 8/31/78
9/1/78 - 2/29/80

3/1/80 - 2/28/81


7/1/79 - 6/30/80


Brian H. Mayall
$346,426 (Terminal year)

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute -- USPHS Grant No. 1 ROl
HL 23747:
"Heterogeneity and Properties of Plasma Lipoproteins"

Principal Investigator:



National Cancer Institute -- Interagency Agreement YO1-CB-40300:
"Stain and Optical Markers for Cytopathology"

Principal Investigator:
6/30/77 - 6/29/78
6/30/78 - 6/29/79
6/30/79 - 6/29/80


$289,516 (pending approval)

Virgie Shore


DOE/EPA Pass-Through Projects:

"Baseline Data on Benthic Community Structure in the Santa
Barbara Channel Oil Lease Area and the Effects of Drilling
Muds on Offshore Benthos"
Principal Investigator:
Robert Spies

9/15/77 - 9/14/78
9/15/78 - 9/14/79
9/15/79 - 9/14/80


Quantitative Mutagenesis Testing in Mammalian Cellular
Principal Investigator:
Frederick T. Hatch and June Carver

9/15/77 - 9/14/78
9/15/78 - 9/14/79
9/15/79 - 9/14/80



$ 70,000


“Morphologic Variants in Damaged Sperm"

Principal Investigator: Andrew Wyrobek
9/15/77 - 9/14/78 $ 60,000
9/15/78 - 9/14/79 $ 60,000
9/15/79 - 9/14/80 $ 60,000
“The Mouse Occyte System as a Monitor of Chemical Toxicity"
Principal Investigator:
R. Lowry Dobson

9/15/77 - 9/14/78

9/15/78 - 9/14/79
9/15/79 - 9/14/80

a 5010710

$ 75,006

$ 75,000
$ 75,000

Select target paragraph3