

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research SAFER -- Orders #60-78-260
and #60-79-022
"Chemical Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants"
Principal Investigator:
Florence L. Harrison
10/1/77 - 9/30/78

9/1/78 - 9/30/79

10/1/78 - 9/30/79
10/1/79 - 9/30/80


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - Interagency
“Cytophysical Studies in Mutagenesis"

Principal Investigator:
10/1/77 - 9/30/78
10/1/78 - 9/30/79
10/1/79 - 9/30/80


Mortimer L. Mendelsohn

National Institute of General Medical Sciences - USPHS Grant
No. RO1 GM25076
"Chromosomal Flow Cytometry:

Principal Investigator:

DNA and Centromeres"

Marvin A. Van Dilla

4/1/78 - 3/31/79


$ 80,905


4/1/80 - 3/31/81


(pending approval)

4/1/79 - 3/31/80


$ 32,000


NIH-Institutional National Research Service Award -- USPHS Grant
Numbers 5 T32 HLO7058 and 1 T32 CA09133.
This program provides three Postdoctoral trainee positions for a

period of four to five years.


Two positions are in the field of

"Nutrition in Heart and Vascular Disease";
the positions are filled
by Gary Ott and Mason Shen.
One position in the field of "Cell

Kinetics" is filled by Stephen C. Macevicz.


Department of the Army -- #W43P6S-78-8027 & ASL 79-8002
“Navy Wedge - Phase II"

Principal Investigator:

3/1/78 - 1/31/79

10/1/78 - 9/30/79
10/1/79 - 9/30/80


$ 68,000

$ 25,000
$ 65,000

National Aeronautics & Space Administration-JPL-DPR WO-8026
“Silicon Analysis Studies"
Principal Investigator:
R. E. Heft/R. C. Ragaini
1/31/78 - 2/1/79
2/01/79 - 9/30/79

10/01/79 - 9/30/80

G. E. Bingham

$ 85,000
$ 71,000

$100,000 (pending)

National Bladder Cancer Project -- USPHS Grant No.

1 -R26CA2379.

"Cytochemical Probes of Urothelial Tumor Cells”

Principal Investigator:
9/1/78 ~ 8/31/79
9/1/79 - 8/31/80

9/1/80 - 8/31/81



M. A. Vanderlaan

$251,471 (pending approval)



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